Godrej Properties plans to launch housing projects worth Rs 30,000 crore in the current fiscal year, aiming for a 20 percent increase in sales bookings. Pirojsha Godrej, the company’s executive chairperson, revealed this plan in an interview. He highlighted that in the previous fiscal year, sales bookings soared by 84 percent to a record Rs 22,527 crore, indicating strong demand for housing, especially from reputable brands.
To capitalize on this demand, the company intends to launch multiple projects across major cities like Delhi-NCR, Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), Bengaluru, Pune, and Hyderabad. Pirojsha stated that they are gearing up to launch six projects in Delhi, Gurugram, and Noida during this fiscal year.
Godrej Properties aims to launch approximately 21.9 million square feet of area with an estimated sales booking value of Rs 30,000 crore in the current fiscal. Additionally, they plan to acquire land parcels for future development and increase project deliveries.
Pirojsha emphasized the company’s strong performance in the past year, driven by robust business development, sales, and profitability. He expressed confidence in the continued strength of the housing sector in the coming years.
Godrej Properties recently reported its highest-ever quarterly profit, with a significant increase in net profit and total income compared to the previous year. They aim to scale up project deliveries from 12.5 million square feet in the last fiscal year to 15 million square feet in 2024-25.
As one of the leading real estate developers in India, Godrej Properties remains committed to meeting the growing demand for quality housing across the country.